Friday, October 27, 2006

"Closing time"

Today is my last day at work, and then its two weeks to get everything sorted and ready before I go. I'm going to be trying not to get emotional about it, but I'm sure part of me will. It’s very rarely the job that creates this reaction, but down to the people who make it. Looking forward to seeing them everyday, and then missing them when you don't see them.

So today is a strange one. On one hand its exciting and nervy realising that this really is it and how close I now am to another little trip, but yet also a bit sad and down hearted. Saying good bye to everyone in Llandaff who I've had such a great time working with for the best part of two years. And they've had to put up with my horrendous jokes, which deserves a medal itself!

We've had some really great times, and here are a few memories that spring to immediately to mind. Two attempts at the summer regatta. First time not even winning a race, and then this year, winning every race and the whole competition! What a fantastic turnaround. All those early morning training sessions on the river before work, the closed-eyes rowing, and then on our final practice, opposite-side rowing! How good was that feeling when we crossed the final winning line guys?!
Then the annual January event this year down in London. Highlights including, (but not limited to!) Beth's new black make-up (any idea where that came from?!), the fire alarm (she was nothing to do with me... HONEST!), taking photos as all the Cardiff lot took over the dance floor, and Paul's excellent protesting signs.

Debbie, my partner-in-crime throughout our time there. How did we make it through training together? I don't know, but it was fun getting there eventually! Beth who helped with my disaster of a love-life and always there to cheer you up. Rob, who fortunately only realised he could bowl with about four rounds left, and believed the best way to cross a river was THROUGH it! And then Tony. Friday lunchtimes, following the OBO, and getting the last bus home through Creigiau just won’t be the same without you mate. And thanks for all the lifts too. I think you won our pool matches 1000 - 1, but look out I'm on a one-game winning streak!

I could sit here all day and write something about everyone here and still not cover it all, so I’m sorry I can’t mention you all, but I will remember you all and smile at the great times. If only there wasn’t the work to get in the way eh?! And I even did some work occasionally too!

Thank you all for a fantastic 18 months and some great memories.

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