Tuesday, October 10, 2006

A blog of two halves!

To kick off... I'm still in a fab mood. This is almost slightly concerning now. I mean, its been like, about a decade since I last felt like wiping the smile off my face. One of the reasons is THIS. Now i'm ignoring the mess that is the Welsh international football team, but the mighty bloooobirds are quite a different story at the moment. FOURTEEN goals in four games, packed home games and playing brilliant football. I still fear the worst that it will all come crashing down (well it's happenend often enough before), and we almost play too much good football. Whether we'll be able to play when its wet, muddy and blowing a gale may be interesting, but right now I'm over the moon with the City.
Lots of other great stuff has been going on too, and the good thing about going away for ages is its a good excuse to try and see and catch-up with as many people as possible, and go out doing as much with those people as possible. Although all this going out does dent the bank balance a little, which hopefully wont jeopodise the whole trip thing!
And even more, as I get closer to my leaving day (which should be Nov 9th), I'm getting even more excited about the whole. Slightly nervous, but excited more than anything!

The second half is time for a rant! Been wanting to do this for ages, but just not been in a bad enough mood to do it properly... so this is a forced rant, to finally get all the issues out in the open!
First and most importantly..... Someone do something very very painful to Ronan Keating AND Will Young! Both currently jointly occupy top spot on my "top ten" list, so any pain or misfortune that could accidently occur to either of them would be most welcome. Will Young is there ofr just being permanently annoying and singing lots and lots of really very crap and annoying songs, but Ronan has done it all in one swoop! By covering the Goo-Goo Dolls fantastic "Iris" he has committed a real crime against humanity and should have his mouth sealed shut forever. A song that was pretty damn close to perfection in my personal opinion, has now had all the heart, soul and feeling sucked out of it and been left puffing, panting and wheezing its last breath of life on local radio stations all over Britain!

Sadly though its just one part of the horrible trend of music at the moment to cover songs that really dont need to be covered.... at all....... EVER! The horrendouos version of Queen's "Dont stop me now" that *spit* McFly *spit* thrust upon us, and all the great 80s songs being ripped off by dodgy, cheap and unoriginal pop-dance music. No-one growing up now realises just how good or important these songs were when they were originally done... or that they were originals in the first place!
Rant over... back into good mood mode!

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