Thursday, August 03, 2006

Well its been one hell of a summer already, so I've finally got a couple of weeks to relax and catch up with things at last (most it being sleep and food!). The last three months have just been totally non-stop and I'm not sure where to start really. Well, lets begin at the beginning eh?!

May started with training for the annual regatta in work. After a slightly less than successful attempt last year (we lost, sorry, got stuffed, in both our races) hopes weren't exactly high. With a pretty new crew though, Gavin and Rob joining Tony and myself, and an excellent coach (stand-up Dylan), there were hopes for a fresh start at least. Rob was a total rookie, and after missing a year Gav was getting back into it, and between us all, we had three years of regatta racing, and no wins!

But with four weeks of hard work and very early mornings, and some slightly bizarre coaching methods (go and try rowing with your eyes closed for a laugh! :-) ) we grew more confident, stronger and more comfortable with each other and as a crew.

So as race day approached hopes were high that we couold at least achieve our first race win. But how well did we do?

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