Thursday, August 17, 2006

Apparently its summer!

Or at least it was summer when I started writing this thing. Its now turned into a big mess with lots of water, wind and everything looking very dark and uninviting! Sounds like a night out in swansea then doesn't it!
So when I last left you we were at regatta day. Sadly this was without Dylan our coach who was otherwise engaged somewhere in the back of beyond (otherwise known as Barmouth in west wales), so Helen stepped in to cox the "Matad-oars" for the day. Nerves were rather apparent in the camp, but there was also the hint of confidence there as well. How mis-placed would this be?
The first race didnt get off too well as we ended up back at the launch before making it to the start line. What looked like a horrendous mess to our opponents, was actually a jammed rudder, and a cunning bit of "gamesmanship" by us to catch them unawares you may say..... "Eh?! You what?!" would be our reply!
Anyway, after a very impressive start that saw us almost a length ahead by 50 or so metres we held on for the remaining 400m to win quite comfortably. Cue some very surprised and happy celebrations in the boat! That win meant we were straight through to the semi-final, and we had all won our first ever race in the competition!
This race against the "Dinos-oars" (gotta like these names eh?!) was a tough one, but again it was our start that saw us get about a length ahead, a lead which we never relinquised, although they pushed us hard all the way. A measure of our consistency and confidence that we completed both races in 2:14.
And so came the final. This time we made a bit of a pigs-ear (ok.. I did!) of the start, but got going well enough, pulled out a decent lead and then for the first time in the whole day actually got properly into our stride and enjoyed the race as we won by a couple of clear lengths and in a time of 2:08. Yet more celebrations, water splashing, avoiding going over the weir, and threats to jump in the river! (Which in Rob's case weren't so far from the truth)
And so to the bar and a congratulations drink.. or five!
That was just the start of a memorable weekend, as next was off to Germany for the World Cup!

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