Friday, July 17, 2009

Nice weather for cricket!

I'm actually quite surprised that is was only April when I last added something to this.
So I've now basically finished my course and am in the wonderful job hunting market. Sadly journalism jobs are not that widely available, so it could be a fairly long search, but I'm hopeful.

The course has gone fantastically well, I've got very good marks, and so it's just a matter of time I hope.
If anyone out there reading this (which makes the rather bold presumption that people actually DO read this) has a reporter position they need filling by a keen, hard working, excellent writing and very cheap, newly qualified journalist.... I am available for work ANYWHERE!

Also, I am now on Twitter, and you can follow me HERE.
For those of you who don't know about Twitter, think of it almost as text messaging online... although there are obviously less messages about asking your other half to buy a pint of milk on the way home or to remember to walk the dog.

And following along the twitter line, THIS is a really fascinating site. Apparently the people who run it do so for little or no profit, and just one glance down the postings shows that people do find it unburdening.

And THIS is something else that may help you all realise (if you ahven't already) what is truely valuable in life to you. I defy anybody not to be moved by today's letter.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations and Good Luck for the interview in London on Thursday, Owain.
All your hours of studying and learning shorthand were well worth the effort, hope the contract of employment is soon to be signed in long hand!!

Lots of love

Ian P said...

I liked the report on Mansfield v Torquay. It made me smile. It makes me wonder, whats the most inane thing you have reported on? Its about time you gave your readers an update are where you are you know!