Monday, August 06, 2007

A Cheery Happy post!

Well after all the doom and gloom of the BlueJays (although I love them really.... in an alternate reality, I think I'd be dating 2nd baseman Aaron Hill..... there's something for you all to ponder. Haha!) I think its time for me spread some happiness around the world, or at least my world!

Firstly, HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to Rich & Karen for 27th of July (its their first... awwww how much fun was last summer eh guys?), and then Rhys & Heather for 12th of August (this is their 2nd, and yes I can even remember that very happy day too). Someone needs to get married this year as we've not had a stag-do for 12 months and I'm having withdrawal symptoms, and ANY chance of that 30 QUID please Peter!!! (its worth about 50 now with interest!)

Secondly, someone on this side of the Atlantic has been silly enough to employ me, so with all being well, I'll be re-entering employment and reality in a couple of days time. Woohoo! Its even so close I can walk there and back in ten minutes! What this also means, is that I'll now have money (No, Canadian money is NOT Monopoly money... infact its almost the same exchange rate as the US dollar... and doesn't go around beating up other money because its got lots of oil in it!) to spend on even more baseball (and hockey in winter) games, and other really cool summer stuff here.

And thats another great thing about Toronto in summer. There is something FREE to do everynight right on your doorstep in this great city. Weekend festivals, cultural and musical performances down at the Harbourfront on the shore of Lake Ontario, parks to relax and throw a ball around in, Younge & Dundas Square right in the centre of the city, that hosts comedy, music and even plays films at night on big screens, and then Nathan Phillips Square infront of City Hall, that hosts even more festivals and events.

Those are just the big ones..... most neighbourhoods around the city have their own celebrations too. There's a "Taste of Little Italy... YUM!", the Distillery District Blues festival, Beaches Jazz Festival, and so much more. I've even had the chance to practice some of my very dodgy Spanish that I learnt in South America when going to a couple of these festivals, and great fun it was too.

The reason all this stuff can happen, is that the weather is quite simply gorgeous, and everyone knows it will be. Sorry to rub this in as I know its been just a little bit damp back home this "summer". Since I got back at the start of June, I can't remember a day getting colder than 20c, and only about 4 days of rain, so everyone makes the most of it, as by November when its -10c and theres about 3 inches of snow on the ground, people aren't so interested in going out and celebrating much!

So everything here is all "Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy!", and even Izzy has been out enjoying the sun too.

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