Saturday, April 07, 2007

"Goodbye" to the North!

Just a quick entry for this occasion. I´m leaving Otavalo today (which is just North of Quito, and the equator) and heading South. So this means, that unless something really unexpected happens, I´ll be in the Southern hemisphere for the next two months until flying back to Canada.
Now this may not seem that important in real terms, but, when most of your life you get used to the rest of the world mostly being south of you, it kind of messes with your mind to have that totally reversed. (Kind of like someone saying Cardiff City are a really good football team!!!)

So on that happy note I shall wish you all a Happy Easter, and see you on the flip-side (of the Globe)!


Anonymous said...

Happy Easter to you, and a brand new stadium might just be the ticket to Cardiff City's hopes of promotion.

Amanda said...

Wow, I guess it would seem strange to think that most of the world was North of you. Would feel like the world had been turned upside down! Congratulations on crossing the Equator,gorgeous! Hope the South holds many great adventures and fun times ahead for you!

Farmer Fresian said...

Cardiff City?? Promotion??
Michael Vaughan?? Cricket??