Saturday, February 02, 2008


I'm a little bit late in saying this, but its been a busy week, so accept my apologies...... but please welcome to the world Carys Megen Sofia Evans!
She arrived on Friday 25th January, at about 10pm, and weighed in at a healthy 7lb 12oz. She is Rhys & Heather's second "bundle of joy", and means Rhodri now has a little baby sister to take care of.

And speaking of my godson, it was a busy couple of days for the Evans family as Rhodri celebrated his third birthday! Three years already... how time flies, and how quickly he's grown.

So Happy Birthday from Uncle Owain!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey thanx for that u got carys name wrong tho and rhodri's! ;op its Carys Megen Sofia Evans and Rhodri.