Tuesday, January 08, 2008

America 'votes'.... well... soon!

Tonight is the second of the US Presidential candidate nomination primaries. And if that makes any sense to you, then Well DONE! Basically, the two main US political parties (the 'evil Republican empire', and the 'slightly less evil but probably more inept at actually doing anything' Democrats) are now going around to three different states where voters then choose which candidate they want to run for the opportunity to replace Darth Vader,... ahem, sorry.... I mean't George 'Dubya' Bush, this time next year.

Since 'winning' the 're-election' in 2004, in a remarkably similar and dubious way to the first one in 2000, everyone seems to have given up on him doing anything productive at all, and basically treated him as a lame-duck President for the last three years.

So now apparently the whole of the USA is ready for a change in more ways than one, and the Democrats are hoping to capitalise on this. But just how much of America is ready for 'how much' of a change?

Two of the three leading Democrat candidates are an African American (Barak Obama) and a woman (Hilary Clinton). Its usually hard enough to get a Democrat into the White House in the first place, but if they really think that Middle America (and infact the South and most of the North too!) is ready for, let alone actually willingly WANTS either a Black or Female President, then I personally think they are, unfortunately, very sadly, hugely mistaken.

The prejudices that continue to exist in America (and lots of the rest of the 'Western World') are quite shocking and very long-lived, and won't be removed quickly or easily in 'one fell-swoop'. If either of these becomes the Democrat candidate, they are effectively closing the door to millions of potential voters, and probably sealing their defeat too. I wish this wasn't the way as I feel a few years under Obama would do the whole of American society the world of good, and bring it a new perspective on the world, but I suspect it will just result in 8 years of 'nice old traditional caucasian Republican' John McCain. Oh the joy!

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