Friday, November 16, 2007

Time flies!

Well its hard to believe in some ways that its been one full year since I left home and ol' Wales. Sometimes it feels just like yesterday that I was heading to the airport for that Zoom Airlines 767. Until recently life has been so busy that it "can't possibly have been a year gone", but then, when I get the chance to sit down and actually think about everything that has happened, it seems like enough to fit into five years!

A couple of weeks in Canada to start, turned into a wonderful white Christmas and a couple of months of Canadian winter! From the frozen winds and blowing snow of Toronto in winter, it was then from one extreme to the other with the heat and altitude of the South American Andes. Three hectic, energetic, exhausting and very very exciting months south of the equator exploring the fascinating and beautiful scenery, history and people of Latin America.

Then just as its getting cold down there, I fly back up to Toronto to be reunited with a wonderful Canadian girl just in time for a wonderful Canadian summer! A summer which included visitors from home, baseball games, visiting family all around Ontario, a spectacular trip out East to Nova Scotia, and actually finally working sometime as well!

So if that's what the previous 365 days held for me, the possibilities for the next 365 days are endless!

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