Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Causing a Storm Online!

So it's Labour Day weekend, which means a nice long weekend, day off on Monday, and more gorgeous, glorious, clear blue skies and warm sunshine... don't you just hate that!
It also means that I'm trying to get the chance to catch up a bit on this 'ere blog thing. So just how much can I squeeze into post. Well lets see shall we......

Firstly we have more fun on the "Inter-web" for everyone, and proof that I am in fact... FAMOUS! Ok, maybe not "David Beckham famous", but that is surely just a mere formality now that I've become almost a regular on the Guardian website.

This was my first appearance last year.

And now this summer, in the surprisingly rivetting, compulsive and actually very entertaining one-day series between England and India, I've had THIS, and THIS, and infact a bit more to say for myself. Have a look on the OBO website and say hi yourselves.

Yes, my path towards a media empire is starting to take shape now!

Next up we have something of a fascination of mine, but I think seems to interest everybody I mention it to. Its currently hurricane season in the Northern Hemisphere, which is both incredibly fascinating to study and follow the storms as they develop, but also sad and scary to see their outcomes on the often under or ill-prepared populations that they hit.
The agency charged with tracking these monstrous beasts around the shores of the Caribbean and North America is the National Hurricane Centre, and their excellent website. Particularly interesting is the satellite image section, where you can see the latest images, and put together a track over the last few hours. Currently Hurricane Felix is force FIVE and heading straight towards Honduras, while over in the Eastern Pacific, Tropical Storm (a step down from Hurricane) Henriette is getting its act together and heading North towards the Baja of Mexico.

And finally for today, to finish on a happy note, I saw Amanda Martinez perform at one of the open-air concerts in Toronto a couple of weeks ago, and very good she was too! Her Latin sound and musical basis actually made me a bit "homesick" for South America. So go to her site, have a listen to her lovely voice, and I dare you not to buy a CD.

Cheerio everyone!

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