Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Happy Happy.. Joy Joy!

Well this Saturday wasnt bad as things go!
Firstly, after many many many many... etc (I think you get the point here) hours, days, and even weeks of driving me round the bend and generally wanting to drop-kick it out the window, my pc now works. Only the small matter of a new power supply, motherboard, processor AND hard drive! But thanks to the incredibly helpful (and tolerant of my ever increased desperation and pained expressions) Aims at JC Computers, its now up and running (or at least hobbling along) again. So now I only have the pleasure of installing a certain virus... sorry I mean "operating system"...... to it and away we go. Provisional tests have shown that all appears to be well, and its even picked up and extra 256MB of RAM (thanks to Paul in work) to give it a little more kick.
Then, following that good result, followed another fantastic one in the afternoon. Cardiff City only went and beat Luton (long time bogey team) 4-1 to return to "we are top of the league" (see previous posts) and yet another great night in Cardiff. It even rounded off with a very nice reunion of sorts in the Hard Rock cafe.
And now the pc is sorted, I can do a little recap of the madness that was Steven's and my trip to Germany for the World Cup in the summer. More soon! :-)

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