Saturday, December 30, 2006
Ice Hockey Star meets World Famous International Backpacker
Have yourself a Merry Little Christmas
Christmas wishes to you all, and especially those of you back in sunny South Wales who I'm not with at this special time of year. Take care and have fun everyone.
Thursday, December 28, 2006
Izzy's Christmas
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Quick Update
I'm still over the Atlantic in Canada, and having a great time doing loads of cool stuff.... including ice skating at Trinity-Bell Square in Toronto (an outdoor rink by the city hall which has a great atmosphere there), and hanging out with some friends from the hostel in the Eaton Centre.
Friends from the hostel in Toronto. One of us all infront of the Christmas tree there. Those sparkly bits aren't lights, they are infact crystal decorations!!! Very Expensive crystal decorations! (from l to r): Emily, Ben, Me, Amanda & Dave again.

A nice one of me and Amanda skating. Look, you can stop laughing now! The thought of me on ice skates isn't THAT daft.... I didn't even fall over once! Yeay Me!

Saturday, December 02, 2006
A new arrival!

The Final

Barry's Tournament

Tuesday, November 28, 2006
All my photos so far!
There's ones from downtown Ottawa, a few more from the game, the sights of Montreal lit-up for Christmas (including of the window of the Hudson Bay company for you Mum!), two of Sylvie's flatmates (Trisha and Butters), and lots of Barry's hockey tournament from last weekend, in-which they won the B-group! More of that in an email update soon...ish!
There's also photos from Rich and Karen's wedding in the summer... finally!!!
So follow the links below!
Canada Photos part 1
Rich and Karen's Wedding
Enjoy! (and let me know if theres any problems and I'll try to sort them out)
Last photos from "Ottowaaaahhhhh".

Here's a really cool one from the game. They put this effect on the ice when the US anthem was being played before the game, but sadly didn't do the same for the Canadian anthem, as that would have looked really excellent.

Sens go Wild over Minnesota!
The view from our seats in Scotiabank Place.
Ottawa... The city that eats Beaver....
And here is a chocolate hazelnut variety of the species! Best eaten hot on cold winter days!
Sunday, November 19, 2006
The Ice-Man cometh!

My cousin Barry is quite a hockey player over here. He plays for the South Ottawa Capitals junior team who have been having a good season so far, finishing runners-up in a tournament last week, and looking forward to another one next weekend. No matches this week, but I headed down to their training session to catch a look at them, and here's a couple of photos of him.

Never know.... you might actually even get me on a set of skates sometime!! HAHA!!
Saturday, November 18, 2006
"Leaving on a Jet plane...."
Although it nearly didn't happen at all! Thanks to some slightly over-cautious officials at Cardiff airport, who insisted on knowing all my travel plans and the contents of my bank balance, and EVEN called the Canadian High Commission in London before I could check-in. Now I know I'm important... but really this is just too much! ;-)
Anyway, got into Toronto ontime and made it too the hostel before heading out with a couple of guys for my first Canadian beer in quite a while, but very welcome it was. So all in it was gone 5am UK time before I got to bed, and then yesterday was a nice 5hr coach trip up from Toronto to Ottawa where I'm staying with family here.
I'd forgotten just how hectic the Ottawa traffic is, but arriving in rush hour certainly reminds you quickly.
So there we go, the first of many posts I suspect. Not that interesting, but I'm alive and well and being very well looked after by my family here, and its great to see them again. So please feel free to leave some comments or drop me an email, I love hear from you all.
Until next time,
See ya later.
Friday, October 27, 2006
"Closing time"
So today is a strange one. On one hand its exciting and nervy realising that this really is it and how close I now am to another little trip, but yet also a bit sad and down hearted. Saying good bye to everyone in Llandaff who I've had such a great time working with for the best part of two years. And they've had to put up with my horrendous jokes, which deserves a medal itself!
We've had some really great times, and here are a few memories that spring to immediately to mind. Two attempts at the summer regatta. First time not even winning a race, and then this year, winning every race and the whole competition! What a fantastic turnaround. All those early morning training sessions on the river before work, the closed-eyes rowing, and then on our final practice, opposite-side rowing! How good was that feeling when we crossed the final winning line guys?!
Then the annual January event this year down in London. Highlights including, (but not limited to!) Beth's new black make-up (any idea where that came from?!), the fire alarm (she was nothing to do with me... HONEST!), taking photos as all the Cardiff lot took over the dance floor, and Paul's excellent protesting signs.
Debbie, my partner-in-crime throughout our time there. How did we make it through training together? I don't know, but it was fun getting there eventually! Beth who helped with my disaster of a love-life and always there to cheer you up. Rob, who fortunately only realised he could bowl with about four rounds left, and believed the best way to cross a river was THROUGH it! And then Tony. Friday lunchtimes, following the OBO, and getting the last bus home through Creigiau just won’t be the same without you mate. And thanks for all the lifts too. I think you won our pool matches 1000 - 1, but look out I'm on a one-game winning streak!
I could sit here all day and write something about everyone here and still not cover it all, so I’m sorry I can’t mention you all, but I will remember you all and smile at the great times. If only there wasn’t the work to get in the way eh?! And I even did some work occasionally too!
Thank you all for a fantastic 18 months and some great memories.
Monday, October 23, 2006

There truly must be some greater sense of being or justice or karma in this world I think. Not mroe than two days after publicly defending the Goo Goo Dolls, and slagging off (quite rightly) Ronan Keating, an email goes round the office. "Two free pairs of tickets to see the Goo Goo Dolls tomorrow night. Reply if interested."
That is quite possibly the quickest reply I've ever written, which most of you will know is very impressive given my usual rate of one a month!
And so that is how I found myself in Cardiff Uni Students Union with the biggest smile on my face. What a fantastic night and an amazing concert! Of course the highlight of the set was Iris, with the whole audience singing their hearts out, and it sounded unbelieveable... all the heart, soul and feeling in the room came out in one go. The energy rush as the first chord sounded was off the chart.
Altogether now:
"and I don't want the world to see me, cos I don't think that they'd understand,
when everything's made to be broken,
I just want you to know who I am,
I just want you to know who I am!"
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Photos from Leicester and London.
Rich, Karen and Ozzy. Happy Birthday mate. Was great to see you all again. This was the only time in the whole weekend we managed to get Ozzy to sit still..... and what a poser he is eh?!
London and the Thames looking its radiant best on a beautiful Autumn day. This view is from Waterloo Bridge, looking back up the river with the obvious London Eye on the South Bank, and Houses of Parliament on the North.
The West entrance of Westminster Abbey. Didnt have time for a proper look otherwise I'd still be there now...... maybe!
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
A blog of two halves!
Lots of other great stuff has been going on too, and the good thing about going away for ages is its a good excuse to try and see and catch-up with as many people as possible, and go out doing as much with those people as possible. Although all this going out does dent the bank balance a little, which hopefully wont jeopodise the whole trip thing!
And even more, as I get closer to my leaving day (which should be Nov 9th), I'm getting even more excited about the whole. Slightly nervous, but excited more than anything!
The second half is time for a rant! Been wanting to do this for ages, but just not been in a bad enough mood to do it properly... so this is a forced rant, to finally get all the issues out in the open!
First and most importantly..... Someone do something very very painful to Ronan Keating AND Will Young! Both currently jointly occupy top spot on my "top ten" list, so any pain or misfortune that could accidently occur to either of them would be most welcome. Will Young is there ofr just being permanently annoying and singing lots and lots of really very crap and annoying songs, but Ronan has done it all in one swoop! By covering the Goo-Goo Dolls fantastic "Iris" he has committed a real crime against humanity and should have his mouth sealed shut forever. A song that was pretty damn close to perfection in my personal opinion, has now had all the heart, soul and feeling sucked out of it and been left puffing, panting and wheezing its last breath of life on local radio stations all over Britain!
Sadly though its just one part of the horrible trend of music at the moment to cover songs that really dont need to be covered.... at all....... EVER! The horrendouos version of Queen's "Dont stop me now" that *spit* McFly *spit* thrust upon us, and all the great 80s songs being ripped off by dodgy, cheap and unoriginal pop-dance music. No-one growing up now realises just how good or important these songs were when they were originally done... or that they were originals in the first place!
Rant over... back into good mood mode!
Monday, October 09, 2006
Just getting warmed up
Little aside bit here: those of you who know the rough geography of the UK (and some of you did a geography degree with me... so own up!), will be aware that the most direct route from Cardiff to Leicester does not involve going through London (someone decided to build Birmingham in the middle of that way!). But those of you also familiar with the public transport system of the UK will also be aware, that trying to get anywhere on some weekends is nigh on impossible without pitching camp on a tesco forecourt and begging for scraps to feed you on the long lonely crawl home. And so thus it was that I came to be going from Cardiff, down the M4 to London, and then up the Midland Mainline (thankfully NOT the M1 - do i look like i enjoy torture on Britains motorways?!?!) to the fine East Midlands city of Leicester.
Fortunately, Friday evening the whole ordeal of getting from Victoria to St Pancras only took 30 mins, (when youve spent 4 hours on a bus to get there in the first place... 30 mins is a joy) and so I was left to the delightful people on Midland Mainline, who having heard my tale of woe that resulted in missing my original train, preceeded to take pity on me and give me a lovely trip up to Leicester to finally meet up with Rich and Karen for the weekend.
Having not seen them since their wedding in the summer (for which I was very honoured to be Rik's best man, and yes, there will be an update with photos etc....... eventually. I'm looking at sometime around 2012 at my current update rate!) it was long overdue...... and also Rik had my Quake 3 cd!
So two days of chatting, chilling out, watching South Park, eating take aways (its was Rik's turn to cook Saturday night), playing on the Xbox and with Ozzy, and generally catching-up passed away far too quickly. As these times always do!
So Sunday lunctime back on the train to London which not only got there on-time, but half an hour early, in the middle of a gorgeous, warm, sunny autumn day. And obviously I was now most definitely in the mood for London, so decided to use my spare two hours to have a leisurely stroll down from St Pancras to Victoria. It was lovely strolling through the restaurants of Holborn and theatres of Covent Garden. I crossed over the river on Waterloo Bridge, and had a wander along the South Bank from there to the London Eye, which was teeming with book fairs, mime artists and street performers, all lining the bank of the Thames. And then back over Westminster Bridge, past the Houses of Parliament and Westminster Palace, and upto Victoria station. Ok I cut it a little fine, but it was well worth it.
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Happy Happy.. Joy Joy!
Firstly, after many many many many... etc (I think you get the point here) hours, days, and even weeks of driving me round the bend and generally wanting to drop-kick it out the window, my pc now works. Only the small matter of a new power supply, motherboard, processor AND hard drive! But thanks to the incredibly helpful (and tolerant of my ever increased desperation and pained expressions) Aims at JC Computers, its now up and running (or at least hobbling along) again. So now I only have the pleasure of installing a certain virus... sorry I mean "operating system"...... to it and away we go. Provisional tests have shown that all appears to be well, and its even picked up and extra 256MB of RAM (thanks to Paul in work) to give it a little more kick.
Then, following that good result, followed another fantastic one in the afternoon. Cardiff City only went and beat Luton (long time bogey team) 4-1 to return to "we are top of the league" (see previous posts) and yet another great night in Cardiff. It even rounded off with a very nice reunion of sorts in the Hard Rock cafe.
And now the pc is sorted, I can do a little recap of the madness that was Steven's and my trip to Germany for the World Cup in the summer. More soon! :-)
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
**PRESS RELEASE*** England's 2006 Ashes Cricket Squad
The Auzzies will rightly be expecting a tough task, and the selection team (Mr Anthony Davies and myself - see our successful rowing below) feel that this squad is more than capable of whitewashing them in their own backyard. It combines power, flare, a depth of batting that hasnt been known to English cricket for sometime, and with an opening partnership that should leave McGrath and Lee floundering, the sky really is the limit for these boys.
So, in the expected batting order, although this is always subject to slight variation dependant on match conditions here is our team, which takes a slight inspiration from the enlightened Dominic Cork:
1) Steve Harmison (with his bowling an added bonus, the obvious batting talent here cannot be ignored)
2) Devon Malcolm (A welcome recall for Big-Dev who will launch a terrifying opening partnership)
3) Robert Key (Who else but the "Key-osaurus Rex" could lend such fear into Australian hearts at the drop of the first wicket.
4) Ian Bell (DING DONG indeed! No bunny ears needed here for the finest batsman in the world. 8000 test runs... pah... he'll get that many on this tour!)
5 & 6) Ronnie Irani & Mark Ealham. (Two for the price of one with these middle order stars who will also stabilise the bowling if it were needed.)
7) Jack Russell (Of course, the recent debates about Reed vs Jones have left out one crucial concept... this man and his outstanding works of art and eating habits. Every squad needs an ecentric and superstitious gloveman)
8) Robert Croft (Crofty has recently laid down the Glamorgan captaincy to re-join the international fold and skipper our triumphant side).
9) Matthew Hoggard (After that glorious cover drive at Trent Bridge against Brett Lee, "the Hog" moves up in the order, and his bowling is just irresistable)
10) Monty Panesar (The second of our "Spin-Twins" and his left armers will compliment Crofty's off breaks in a devilish partnership)
11) Martin McCague (His legendary strike bowler status is sure to be maintained here.)
With Garry Pratt performing a vital role as 12th man (he will be coming straight onto the field as soon as Ricky Ponting enters it, and will happily escort him back to the dressing room on his way off) we dont feel the need for any additional squad members, thereby saving the ECB money on unnecessary flights and hotel rooms, and allowing the team to fully bond together without any one individual feeling particularly left out.
If you have any questions, both selectors will be available at their regular selection meetings down the Heathcock pub on a Friday lunchtime!
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
"What's that coming over the hill..... (Part 2)

..... Its Michael Chopra! Its Michael Chopra!"
as made famous here.
Otherwise titled "We are top of the league, say we are top of the league!"
For those of you who actually read the rubbish I write on here, there were some rather scary feelings about this year's Cardiff City team (and a certain Michael Chopra) ... i.e. that we might actually be able to hit a cows backside with a banjo occasionally. Well, on Saturday, we only went and very impressively beat Birmingham 2-0 to go 3 points clear at the top of the table. Now while Mr Chopra didn't make it onto the score sheet, he was once again highly influencial, all-round class, and NO Newcastle (including you Leon!) you can't have him back cos he'll only get injured in his first game for you!
I'm now going to enjoy this for two weeks until our next game! I'll see you in a gutter somewhere around Cardiff with a huge smile on my face and a pint of Brains in my hand!
P.S. I fully expect this to come crashing down around me at any moment possible, but lets enjoy this, its been a while since we were last here.
What's that coming over the hill..... (part 1)
Monday, August 21, 2006
Some rowing photos at last.
The semi-final against the "dinos-oars". As we charge down the final stretch its getting close.......
... But we manage to hold them off and make it into the final.
Sadly no photos from the final, but here we are... CHAMPIONS! (l to r) me, Rob, Tony, and Gavin. A great day and really makes all the hard work and early mornings we put in worthwhile. That was one great celebration that night.
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Apparently its summer!
So when I last left you we were at regatta day. Sadly this was without Dylan our coach who was otherwise engaged somewhere in the back of beyond (otherwise known as Barmouth in west wales), so Helen stepped in to cox the "Matad-oars" for the day. Nerves were rather apparent in the camp, but there was also the hint of confidence there as well. How mis-placed would this be?
The first race didnt get off too well as we ended up back at the launch before making it to the start line. What looked like a horrendous mess to our opponents, was actually a jammed rudder, and a cunning bit of "gamesmanship" by us to catch them unawares you may say..... "Eh?! You what?!" would be our reply!
Anyway, after a very impressive start that saw us almost a length ahead by 50 or so metres we held on for the remaining 400m to win quite comfortably. Cue some very surprised and happy celebrations in the boat! That win meant we were straight through to the semi-final, and we had all won our first ever race in the competition!
This race against the "Dinos-oars" (gotta like these names eh?!) was a tough one, but again it was our start that saw us get about a length ahead, a lead which we never relinquised, although they pushed us hard all the way. A measure of our consistency and confidence that we completed both races in 2:14.
And so came the final. This time we made a bit of a pigs-ear (ok.. I did!) of the start, but got going well enough, pulled out a decent lead and then for the first time in the whole day actually got properly into our stride and enjoyed the race as we won by a couple of clear lengths and in a time of 2:08. Yet more celebrations, water splashing, avoiding going over the weir, and threats to jump in the river! (Which in Rob's case weren't so far from the truth)
And so to the bar and a congratulations drink.. or five!
That was just the start of a memorable weekend, as next was off to Germany for the World Cup!
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Normal programming will resume shortly!
"Would someone please like to tell me what has happened to the Cardiff City team that finished last season looking like a wet rag being dragged around in a rather muddy bucket?!" I was the first one to say last season that survival was the main aim, and was ecstatic when we achieved that so early in the season, but the end was rather shabby and showed our lack of depth, largely cos the entire squad were knackered. However, this season promises something a bit more positive and exciting I feel. (ohh err! Thats a bit scary from a City fan!)
There is something special about mid-week games at Ninian. I've never quite worked it out why, but theres a certain atmosphere, and more often than not it turns out to be the big games. Leeds last season fits the bill as it was also the first home game of the season. West Brom are just relegated from the Premiership, hot favourites to go up, far better equipped than Leeds were, and we sadly didnt have Jason Koumas, who is still trying to leave West Brom to join us.
Last night though the team produced one of the most high tempo, hard working and attacking matches I can remember from a City side. Passing, movement, classy one-touch football with the ball, and then closing, pressing and harrassing without it. Newcastle, thank-you, but WHY did you sell us Michael Chopra?! A 1-1 draw was the least we deserved, and the "welcome in the hillside" reserved for swansea boy John Hartson was memorable and unique to say the least! Thats not the only praise for the fans. After meeting a Birmingham fan working in Cardiff in the pub beforehand and walking to the game with him, I can only say how proud a showing the whole of Ninian Park made. Its not been that loud for sometime now.
Maybe, hopefully one day soon, the rest of the club (ticket office and phone system especially) will lurch itself into at least the 20th century to join the 21st century team and manager. Young, quick, sharp, fluid and attacking! So lets hope that wasn't a one off and the coming season will be pushing for a play-off place at least. I fancy automatic promotion is too much to ask, but surely a top 6 finish is within reach.
The future's bright, the future's BLUE!
We now return you to the story of my summer... when I get five minutes to breathe and continue it!
Thursday, August 03, 2006
May started with training for the annual regatta in work. After a slightly less than successful attempt last year (we lost, sorry, got stuffed, in both our races) hopes weren't exactly high. With a pretty new crew though, Gavin and Rob joining Tony and myself, and an excellent coach (stand-up Dylan), there were hopes for a fresh start at least. Rob was a total rookie, and after missing a year Gav was getting back into it, and between us all, we had three years of regatta racing, and no wins!
But with four weeks of hard work and very early mornings, and some slightly bizarre coaching methods (go and try rowing with your eyes closed for a laugh! :-) ) we grew more confident, stronger and more comfortable with each other and as a crew.
So as race day approached hopes were high that we couold at least achieve our first race win. But how well did we do?